Here are some tips to save you time so you have more time for the things you enjoy.

Who doesn’t need help when it comes to getting things done more efficiently? The one thing we all have is common is that our to-do list keeps getting longer as the days get shorter. This is because most people confuse being busy with being productive. Being busy is just doing stuff at the office; being productive is specifically working on things that will move you forward. Here are some actions that you can take to be 100% more productive.

  1. Choose two tasks. Use five minutes at the end of the day to do a prioritized list of two things that get accomplished the next day. Do these FIRST before opening email, checking social media or doing anything else on your to-do list. Choose these two items by answering the question “What two tasks, if I completed them today, would make my day productive?
  2. Turn off notifications. Stop being reactive. Make sure you control the attention your electronics devices want and that they do not control you with nonstop notifications. Turn all these off including your phone for set periods of time during the day.
  3. Stop multitasking. It is a myth that multitasking helps you to get more done. It actually allows you to partially complete more tasks poorly.
  4. Track your time. The only way to truly know how you are spending your time is to track it. Use time tracking software on your phone or desktop such as Toggl to become aware of your work habits, so you can actively change them. You will be amazed how much of your time isn’t productive.
  5. Hold 15 minute meetings. Most subjects can be handled in less than 15 minutes. Standing during meetings will always shorten them.
  6. Get your inbox to zero. Most inboxes are a mess. Do a massive inbox cleaning weekly. Delete messages and organize them into separate folders to get to the goal of having zero unread messages. Unsubscribe to unnecessary newsletters you never read. Then commit to handling every email only once. After reading it, reply, delete, file or set for follow up to get it out of your inbox.
  7. Create templates. Most communication is repetitive. Create templates for different types of correspondence to prevent from rewriting the same emails over and over again.
  8. Take a break or get some rest. Take a break every 90 minutes. Continually monitor yourself and your productively level. Getting up from your desk to grab a snack and water can be just what you need.

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*Article from Small Business Hacks by Barry Moltz and Rieva Lesonsky


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