Professional Headshot Session           


A Few Helpful Tips…

Wearing glasses for your San Diego Professional Headshot:
If possible please avoid wearing them, the light reflected off the lenses will show in the
photograph, unless you have non-glare lenses. To eliminate glare and reflections call your
optician and arrange to borrow a pair of empty frames like yours. Tinted lenses or exceptionally
thick lenses can distort the way the camera sees the eye and that cannot be retouched. As long as
the camera capture your full eye we can retouch out the glass glare.

How to dress for your executive portrait:

Please avoid white if possible, red, plaid, striped or large print clothing.

Suggestions for your suit choice for your professional headshot:
Blue looks great on almost everyone. If you want to stand out in a crowd wear blue while others
are wearing grey and black. Navy blue, charcoal grey, brown, black and pin stripes work well

Select just the right shirt for your best professional headshot:
Grey, ivory, beige, light-blue, pink, peach, and lavender photograph well.
Also consider the collar shape when selecting your shirt or blouse. White shirts look very formal.
If you are not wearing a jacket go with a medium to dark color.

Which necktie should you wear for your business headshot?
Ties should be darker than your shirt. Stay with solid colors or a conservative print. Here some
combinations that work well:
Light blue shirt-red or dark blue or blue stripe, beige or brown tie. Grey shirt-black or dark blue
tie. Lavender shirt-yellow tie. Any color or pattern with a white shirt.

How to select the best jewelry for your executive headshot:
All bright shiny jewelry should be avoided.

Should you tan before you San Diego headshot?
Professional tanning will bring better results, than home tanning lotions.
You may want to try your options a few weeks before the session to be sure the results are what
you want.

Is a professional make-up artist advised for your professional head shot in San Diego?
Yes, a professional make-up artist is available upon request for an additional fee. Please call in